What are you like to
work with?

Working in collaboration with Communications Strategies is a comfortable, enjoyable and stimulating process. We listen carefully to your overview, and ask thoughtful questions that allow us get at your brand essence. Being good listeners helps us get at the soul of your company and gives us the ammo to tell your company's story to the media in a compelling manner. Importantly, we are proactive in identifying and seizing new opportunities, and extremely responsive to client queries.

How long does it take
to get started?

Not long at all. We are pitching your story to the news media soon after messaging is mutually agreed upon. Getting the messaging right is critical. But it's not an especially lengthy process.

We're not based in New
York. How do we keep in

Phone. Email. Skype. Lunch. After-work drinks. Your choice. Currently, we have clients in New York, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio - and Amsterdam, London, Paris, Sao Paulo, San Francisco, Shanghai - regular communication with clients is not a problem.

How expensive is this
going to be?

Here's the good news: our virtual agency model gives you top-10 agency expertise, without the markups and sky-high billing rates needed to cover fancy Manhattan rents. If you have a public relations need, let's talk.

What are you working
on right now that's
particularly interesting?

We are finishing the text for Scale Your Passion -- a blueprint for "change the world entrepreneurs" who wish to take their organizations to the next level. Robert's Rules of Innovation (Wiley & Sons) was successfully published in April.

Read any good books

Of course -- we re-read The Blood Oranges by John Hawkes, a rich, lush work in tune with the ripe days of late summer. Too many people these days forego the pleasure of the quality novel. Big mistake. Feed your imagination. Read long-form fiction and recharge your mind.

What music are you
listening to these days?

Here's a sampling of our "heavy rotation": "Time Flies" by the great Jimmy Webb... "Johnny Got a Boom Boom" by Imelda May...Richard Thompson's spectacular "1952 Vincent Black Lightning"..."Secret Heart" by Ron Sexsmith and Bruce's "Ghost of Tom Joad" (all too fitting for today's economic news).

What makes a better pet,
a dog or a cat?

You call this a question? Dogs, of course. R.I.P. Genghis, 1998-2010. Beloved friend. Constant, loyal companion. Best dog in the world. Good field/no hit. Assistant Office Manager. We will never forget you, Big G!!!